November 23-24th—KYO RU GI Prémiere (Cie Petri Dish)—Seoul, KR
January 29th 2025—KANO Propulse OFF—Marchin, BE
February 7-8th—KYO RU GI Rimbo Opalen—Stockholm, SE
February 13-15th—KYO RU GI Dieselverkstad—Stockholm, SE
March 25-26th—KANO—Dinant, BE
April 18-26th—KYO RU GI Theatre du Poche—Bruxelles, BE
April 30-May 4th *date tbd—AVoid CircusStad—Rotterdam, NL
Season 2023-2024
October 21-22nd—Only Bones v.1.6 Circus City Festival—Bristol, UK
October 27th—KANO Prémiere Maison culturelle d’Ath—Ath, BE
November 8th—KANO Centre Culturel de Ciney—Ciney, BE
November 16-26th—KANO UP Circus & Performing Arts Bruxelles, BE
December 2nd—Vaudeville All Stars Scala Teatern
December 3-9th—VAL (Svalbard) OhNous Festival Helsinki, FI
January 18-19th—KANO Eghezee, BE
January 20-21st—Only Bones v1.6 Site Specific—Off Axis Focus—Triennale Milano, IT
January 27th—KANO Soirée PERPLX—Kortrijk, BE
January 28th—KANO Culture Centre Brugge—Brugge, BE
February 6-7th—KANO Théâtre Marni Bruxelles, BE
February 21st—TALWEG Théâtre du Passage Neuchâtel, CH
March 14th—KANO Marche, BE
March 22-23rd—AVoid WIP-La Central EP—Barcelona, ES
April 12th—AVoid WIP RigaCriks—Riga, LV
April 13th—AVoid WIP Cirque Electrique—Paris, FR
April 24th—AVoid WIP Nau Ivanow—Barcelona, ES
May 8th—AVoid WIP Moussoux-Bonté—Bruxelles, BE
May 15th—AVoid CircusNext Selections—Paris, FR
May 28th—Vaudeville All Stars Kristianstads Teater—Kristianstad, SE
July 25th—“Flexible Bodies” at Brocante—Frisanco, IT
August 12th—AVoid WIP Berlin Circus Festival—Berlin, DE
August 22-24th—Only Bones v.1.6 Tallinn Fringe Festival—Tallinn, EE
Season 2024-2025
August 29th—WIP AVoid PERPLX, Kortrijk, BE
Augutst 30th—Only Bones v.1.6 De Clinch, NL
September 16th—AVoid Prémiere Cirkobalkana—Belgrade, RS
October 11th—AVoid Latitude 50 Moments du Cirque—Marchin, BE